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Apartament cu 4 camere de in zona Rogerius Oradea

5 noiembrie 2023 8:32   Altele   Oradea   36 vizualizări Referinţă: 39189

Localitate: Oradea

Preț: 116,000 lei

Agentia imobiliara D`Art Imob va ofera un apartament cu 4 camere de vanzare in zona Rogerius Oradea

Apartamentul este tip PC, decomandat, are dubla orientare si se afla la etajul 2 intr-un bloc cu 4 etaje cu acoperis.

Masoara o suprafata utila de 81.13mp ( 112.28mp construiti) si se compune din hol de intare, bucatarie cu loc de luat masa, living generos, 3 dormitoare, 2 bai ambele cu cada (una cu jacuzzi) si 1 balcon inchis cu geamuri termopan , izolat termic, 2 spatii de depozitare si 2 boxe la subsol.

Apartamentul are dubla orientare, fiind luminos pe tot parcursul zilei. Toate geamurile apartamentului sunt termopan, 2 dormitoare au si jaluzele exterioare. Imobilul este dotat cu instalatie de aer conditionat.

Usile interioare sunt din MDF, iar usa de la intrare este metalica, de siguranta.

Imobilul este dotat cu parchet din lemn masiv care confera senzatia sporita de confort. Dispune si de gresie, faianta. Incalzirea se realizeaza prin reteaua de termoficare a orasului.

Localizarea excelenta cu magazine, piata Rogerius, scoli, gradinite, parcuri, banci si mijloace de transport in comun in apropiere face din acest apartament o oportunitate pentru viitorul camin al familiei dumneavoastra.

Apartamentul se vinde partial mobilat si utilat cu frigider, masina de spalat haine si uscator, plita pe inductie, hota, cuptor.

Pretul acestui apartament cu 4 camere situat in zona pietei Rogerius este de 116.000 euro.

Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la:

Nr. Tel.: 0722701434 – Cristina Vatca


Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru:

De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob.


The real estate agency D`Art Imob offers you a 4-room apartment for sale in the Rogerius area of ​​Oradea

The apartment is PC type, detached, has double orientation and is located on the 2nd floor of a 4-storey building with a roof.

It measures a usable area of ​​81.13 square meters (112.28 square meters constructed) and consists of an entrance hall, a kitchen with a dining area, a generous living room, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms both with bathtubs (one with a jacuzzi) and 1 closed balcony with double glazed windows , thermally insulated, 2 storage spaces and 2 speakers in the basement.

The apartment has double orientation, being bright throughout the day.

All windows in the apartment are insulated, 2 bedrooms also have external blinds.

The building is equipped with air conditioning.

The interior doors are made of MDF, and the entrance door is metal, for safety.

The building is equipped with solid wood parquet that gives the increased feeling of comfort.

It also has stoneware, faience. Heating is done through the city's heating network.

The excellent location with shops, Rogerius market, schools, kindergartens, parks, banks and public transport nearby makes this apartment an opportunity for your family's future home.

The apartment is sold partially furnished and equipped with a refrigerator, washing machine and dryer, induction stove, hood, oven.

The price of this 4-room apartment located in the Rogerius market area is 116,000 euros.

For additional details, information and visits, you can contact us at:

No. Tel.: 0722701434 – Cristina Vatca


Or at the contact section of our website:

You can also view our offers on Facebook by accessing the D'Art Imob page.

Confort: 1Tip imobil: Bloc de apartamenteNumăr Băi: 2Posibilitate parcare: Nu