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Apartament pe 3 nivele, pietonala Alecsandri, Oradea

4 noiembrie 2023 13:37   Altele   Oradea   45 vizualizări Referinţă: 34104

Localitate: Oradea

Preț: 179,000 lei

Agentia imobiliara D`Art Imob va ofera spre vanzare un apartament pe 3 nivele situat pe strada pietonala Vasile Alecsandri din Oradea.

Acesta face parte dintr-o cladire istorica si se compune din parter, etaj si mansarda. Masoara o suprafata utila de 106 mp. La parter se afla holul de acces si o camera tehnica unde poate fi amenajata baie sau spalatorie. Etajul este compus din hol spatios, bucatarie inchisa, baie cu dus si un dormitor matrimonial dotat cu terasa si baie proprie. La mansarda gasim amenajat un apartament cu 2 camere, bucatarie si baie cu dus.

Imobilul este complet renovat, izolat exterior cu polistiren de 10 cm, dotat cu ferestre cu geam termopan. Cele de la mansarda sunt tip Velux, iar usile de interior din MDF. Acoperisul este izolat si invelit cu tigla.

Interiorul este amenajat modern cu parchet laminat in camere si pe holuri, scara interioara metalica si trepte din lemn masiv, bai dotate cu gresie, faianta si obiecte sanitare.

Incalzirea este realizata electric, la etaj fiind instalat sistemul in pardoseala, iar la masarda panouri radiante, cu termostat ambiental in fiecare incapere. In cazul in care se doreste, reteaua de termoficare este la limita proprietatii. Deoarece compartimentarea permite, apartamentul poate fi impartit in doua unitati locative.

In curtea imobilului este asigurat un loc de parcare aferent apartamentului.

Datorita amplasarii in zona pietonala a strazii Vasile Alecsandri si la 1 minut de Piata Unirii, acest apartament reprezinta excelenta oportunitate de investitie, precum si locuinta ideala pentru cei care isi doresc sa locuiasca in inima orasului Oradea.

Pretul de vanzare pentru acest apartament pe pietonala Alecsandri este de 179000 euro.

Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la:

Nr. Tel.: 0725095233 – Manci Nicolae


Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru:

De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob.


The D`Art Imob real estate agency offers for sale a 3-level apartment located on the Vasile Alecsandri pedestrian street in Oradea.It is part of a historical building and consists of ground floor, first floor and attic. It measures a usable area of 106 square meters. On the ground floor there is the access hall and a technical room where a bathroom or laundry can be arranged. The floor consists of a spacious hall, closed kitchen, bathroom with shower and a master bedroom equipped with a terrace and private bathroom. In the attic we find an apartment with 2 rooms, kitchen and bathroom with shower.

The building is completely renovated, externally insulated with 10 cm polystyrene, equipped with double-glazed windows. Those in the attic are Velux type, and the interior doors are made of MDF. The roof is insulated and covered with tiles.

The interior is modernly furnished with laminated parquet in the rooms and in the hallways, internal metal staircase and solid wood steps, bathrooms equipped with tiles, tiles and sanitary ware.

The heating is done electrically, on the first floor the system is installed in the floor, and on the first floor radiant panels, with an ambient thermostat in each room. If desired, the heating network is at the boundary of the property. As compartmentalization allows, the apartment can be divided into two housing units.

In the yard of the building there is a parking space for the apartment.

Due to its location in the pedestrian area of Vasile Alecsandri street and 1 minute from Unirii Square, this apartment represents an excellent investment opportunity, as well as the ideal home for those who want to live in the heart of Oradea.

The sale price for this apartment on Alecsandri pedestrian street is 179000 euros.

For additional information on this property, you can contact us at:

Phone No .: 0725095233 – Manci Nicolae.


Or the contact section of our website:

Also, our offers can be viewed on Facebook by visiting D’Art Imob.

Confort: LuxTip imobil: Alte tipuriNumăr Băi: mai mult de 3Posibilitate parcare: Nu