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Apartament ultracentral cu 3 camere la curte comuna

5 noiembrie 2023 4:24   Altele   Oradea   40 vizualizări Referinţă: 38044

Localitate: Oradea

Preț: 88,000 lei

Agentia imobiliara D`Art Imob va ofera un apartament ultracentral cu 3 camere la curte comuna de vanzare in Oradea

Apartamentul este amplasat ultracentral in Oradea, in zona Parcului 1 Decembrie. Este situat la etajul 2 al unui imobil din centrul istoric. Este decomandat, dispus pe 2 nivele: P+E si masoara o suprafata utila de 54 mp. Dispune de o cota parte de teren de 40 mp in curtea interioara. Suplimentar, exista acces in pod, iar acesta este izolat si poate fi utilizat ca spatiu de depozitare.

Imobilul a fost restaurat integral in 2004. Constructia este din caramida si acoperis de tigla. Parterul se compune din bucatarie cu living si loc de luat masa open-space, baie de serviciu si balcon deschis. Etajul este compus din 2 dormitoare, baie cu cada si geam de aerisire si balcon descchis. Ambele dormitoare au iesire pe balconul de la etaj.

Locuinta este dotata cu ferestre cu geam termopan, usi de interior din MDF, gresie, faianta si parchet laminat. Este racordata la retelele de apa, canalizare si electricitate ale orasului, iar confortul termic este asigurat de cele 2 aparate de aer conditionat. Dispune, de asemenea, de un spatiu de depozitare si suplimentar, dispune de loc de parcare in curtea cu acces auto.

Apartamentul se vinde complet mobilat si utilat cu plita cu hota, masina de spalat haine, masina de spalat vase, frigider, cuptor cu microunde, cuptor electric si instalatii de aer conditionat.

Pretul pentru acest apartament ultracentral cu 3 camere la curte comuna de vanzare este de 88.000 euro

Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la:

Nr. Tel.: 0767 145 857 – Ramona Tica


Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru:

De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob.


D`Art Imob real estate agency offers you an ultra-central 3-room apartment for sale in OradeaThe apartment is located ultra-centrally in Oradea, in the 1 Decembrie Park area. It is located on the 2nd floor of a building in the historic center. It is detached, arranged on 2 levels: P+E and measures a usable area of 54 sqm. It has a share of land of 40 square meters in the inner courtyard. In addition, there is access to the attic, which is isolated and can be used as a storage space.

The building was fully restored in 2004. The building is made of brick and has a tile roof. The ground floor consists of a kitchen with an open-space living room and dining area, a service bathroom and an open balcony. The floor consists of 2 bedrooms, bathroom with bathtub and ventilation window and open balcony. Both bedrooms have access to the upstairs balcony.

The house is equipped with double-glazed windows, MDF interior doors, tiles, tiles and laminate flooring. It is connected to the city’s water, sewage and electricity networks, and thermal comfort is ensured by the 2 air conditioners. It also has a storage space and additionally, it has a parking space in the yard with car access.

The apartment is sold fully furnished and equipped with a stove with hood, washing machine, dishwasher, refrigerator, microwave oven, electric oven and air conditioning systems.

The price for this ultra-central 3-room apartment in the common courtyard for sale is 88,000 euros

For additional details, information and visits, you can contact us at:

Nr. Tel .: 0767 145 857 – Ramona Tica


Or at the contact section of our site:

You can also view our offers on Facebook by accessing the D’Art Imob page.

Confort: 1Tip imobil: Casă/VilăNumăr Băi: 1Posibilitate parcare: DaNr. locuri parcare: 1