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Casa moderna cu 3 dormitoare in Cantemir, Oradea

4 noiembrie 2023 17:10   Altele   Oradea   56 vizualizări Referinţă: 34768

Localitate: Oradea

Preț: 243,000 lei

Agentia imobiliara D`Art Imob va ofera o casa moderna cu 3 dormitoare de vanzare, situata in cartierul Cantemir din Oradea.

Casa a fost construita in anul 2010, la parter s-a pastrat zidaria constructiei vechi (pereti grosi din caramida si vaioaga).

Locuinta masoara 125 mp utili, este compusa din parter si mansarda, amplasata pe un teren de 245 mp cu frontul stradal de 12 ml.

Conform cerintelor proiectului, ca structura de rezistenta au fost inclusi 12 stalpi de beton in zidaria existenta.

Acoperisul este invelit cu sindrila bituminoasa, iar exteriorul casei izolat cu polistiren de 5 cm grosime la parter si 10 cm la mansarda.

Parterul este compus din hol de acces, sufragerie, bucatarie cu loc de luat masa, baie cu dus.Sufrageria, cu o suprafata generoasa, pereti inalti si ferestre mari beneficiaza de lumina pe toata durata zilei. Aici se gaseste un semineu, care aduce incaperii un aer elegant si confortabil.

Mansarda este compusa din 3 dormitoare, hol si baie cu cada. Dormitorul matrimonial beneficiaza si de o terasa, cu vedere spre curte.Peretii interiori ai casei au fost zugraviti recent, iar parchetul din camere schimbat complet.

In curtea casei mai gasim o anexa, compusa dintr-o camera de 30 mp cu baie proprie, iar podul acesteia este destinat depozitarii, foarte practic pentru o familie. Tot aici se afla si camera tehnica, unde este amenajata spalatoria.

Locul de relaxare din curte este dotat cu tot ce este necesar pentru o seara reusita in familie si cu prietenii: gratar, ceaun, cuptor, terasa spatioasa din lemn, balansoar, fotolii, iluminat ambiental.

Utilitati: apa si canalizare de la oras, incalzire cu centrala proprie pe gaz, alarma, sistem de supraveghere, aer conditionat.

Casa se vinde complet mobilata si utilata.

Desi imobilul nu dispune de acces auto, detine loc de parcare privat in fata casei.

Strada pe care se afla casa este una linistita, cu trafic redus, aproape de zona centrala, Parcul Taranilor, scoli, gradinite, Lotus Mall, statiile mijloacelor de transport in comun.

Pretul pentru aceasta casa moderna cu 3 dormitoare de vanzare este de 243.000 euro.

Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la:

Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman


Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru:

De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob.


D`Art Imob real estate agency offers you a house with three bedrooms for sale, located in Cantemir neighborhood, Oradea.The house was built in 2010, on the ground floor was preserved the masonry of the old building (thick brick walls).

It measures 125 usable sqm, it is composed of ground floor and attic, located on a plot of 245 sqm with a street front of 12 ml.

According to the requirements of the project, 12 pillars were included in the existing masonry as a resistance structure.

The roof is covered with bituminous shingles, and the exterior of the house is insulated with 5 cm thick polystyrene on the ground floor and 10 cm on the attic.

The ground floor consists of hall, living room, kitchen with dining area and bathroom with shower.The living room, with a generous surface and large windows, benefits from light throughout the day. Here is a fireplace, which gives the room an elegant and comfortable air.

The attic consists of 3 bedrooms, hall and bathroom with tub. The master bedroom also has a small terrace overlooking the courtyard.The interior walls of the house were painted last year, and the parquet in the rooms completely changed.

In the yard of the house we find an annex, consisting of a room of 30 square meters with private bathroom and a technical room.

The relaxing place in the yard is equipped with everything necessary for a successful evening with family or friends: barbeque, kettle, oven, spacious covered wooden terrace, swing, armchairs, ambient lighting.

Utilities: water and sewage from the city, heating with own gas boiler, alarm, surveillance system, air conditioning.

The house is being sold fully furnished and equipped.

Although the building does not have car access, there is a private parking space in front of the house.

The street on which the house is located is a quiet one, with low traffic, close to the central area, the Peasants’ Park, schools, kindergartens, Lotus Mall, public transport stations.

The price for this house with three bedrooms for sale is 243,000 euros.

For further details, information and visits, you can contact us at:

Nr. Tel .: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman


Or at the contact section of our site:

You can also view our offers on Facebook by accessing the D’Art Imob page.

Număr niveluri imobil: 1Număr Băi: 3Posibilitate parcare: NuCurentApăGazÎncălzireClimă