Imobil Comercial - Office | Universitate - Unirii | Cladire
17 octombrie 2023 5:18 Altele București 69 vizualizări Referinţă: 1951Localitate: București
Preț: 4.50 lei
Gabriel Rogoveanu ^ Global Home Romania ^ Real Estate Brokler ^ Imobiliare:
The Brătianu office building,structured on 8 levels, isextremely functional, which canmeet the requirements of themost demanding tenants, bothfor commercial and for officespace.The project is a totallyconsolidated building, withultramodern finishes, generousspaces, which allow apartitioning according to theneeds and requirements ofcustomers
The project on I. C. Bratianu Boulevard is located inthe center of the Capital, 30 m from the Church ofSt.Gheorghe Nou.Bratianu12 it is an old building located in aprotected area, it had been rehabilitated andrestored.The facades as similar as possibleto the original architecture.The building, and part of each floor will beconsolidated and rethought in order to benefit fromas many free spaces as possible.The footprint of the building has an area of 272square meters
Id intern: P987
Suprafaţă totală: 310 m²Stadiu construcţie: FinalizatClasă birouri: AComision cumpărător: 50%Tip imobil: Alte tipuri