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Restaurant modern de zona Iosia, Oradea

4 noiembrie 2023 20:06   Altele   Oradea   80 vizualizări Referinţă: 35789

Localitate: Oradea

Preț: 670,000 lei

Agentia imobiliara D’Art Imob va propune un restaurant modern de vanzare in zona Iosia, Oradea.

Imobilul este amplasat pe o suprafata de teren de 538 mp cu dublu front stradal, constructia este din caramida pe un singur nivel renovata integral in anul 2022. Masoara o suprafata utila de 227 mp si terasa deschisa de 75 mp. Restaurantul este functional, avand toate autorizatiile necesare pentru desfasurarea activitatii, cu o capacitate de servire in restaurant de 60 locuri si inca 30 pe terasa.

Este dotat cu ferestre cu geam termopan, usa de acces termopan, usi de interior din lemn, gresie si faianta cu placi mari.

Este compartimentat in sala de cosnumatie de 100 mp, bar, bucatarie calda, bucatarie rece, depozit, zona livrare marfa, vestiar, birou, 2 toalete pentru clienti si 2 pentru angajati, terasa deschisa. Locatia este amenajata elegant, luxos, cu mult bun gust, iar confortul si ambianta sunt completate de multitudinea de plante verzi.

Proprietatea se vinde mobilatata si utilata, complet echipata pentru a deservi activitatii de restaurant. Bucataria este dotata cu mobilier si utilaje profesionale din inox.

Confortul termic este asigurat de centrala proprie pe gaz.

Utilitati: apa si canalizare de la retea, internet, curent monofazic si trifazic, gaz.

Proprietatea beneficiaza de multiple locuri de parcare in fata.

Datorita pozitionarii intr-o zona intens circulata si accesului facil la centura Oradea, imobilul reprezinta o investitie excelenta deoarece este pretabil atat pentru a continua activitatea de restaurant cat si pentru multiple activitati comerciale, de birou, showroom.

Pretul pentru acest restaurant modern de vanzare in zona Iosia, Oradea este 670.000 euro.

Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la:

Nr. Tel.: 0725095233 – Manci Nicolae


Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru:

De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob


The real estate agency D’Art Imob offers you a modern restaurant for sale in the Iosia area, Oradea.The building is located on a land area of 538 square meters with double street frontage, the construction is made of brick on one level, fully renovated in 2022. It measures a usable area of 227 square meters and an open terrace of 75 square meters. The restaurant is functional, having all the authorizations necessary to carry out the activity, with a serving capacity in the restaurant of 60 seats and another 30 on the terrace.

It is equipped with double-glazed windows, double-glazed access door, wooden interior doors, tiles and tiles with large tiles.

It is divided into a 100 sqm utility room, bar, hot kitchen, cold kitchen, warehouse, goods delivery area, cloakroom, office, 2 toilets for customers and 2 for employees, open terrace. The location is furnished elegantly, luxuriously, with great taste, and the comfort and ambience are complemented by the multitude of green plants.

The property is sold furnished and equipped, fully equipped to serve the restaurant business. The kitchen is equipped with professional stainless steel furniture and appliances.

The thermal comfort is ensured by its own gas boiler.

Utilities: mains water and sewage, internet, single-phase and three-phase electricity, gas.

The property benefits from multiple parking spaces in front.

Due to the positioning in an intensively trafficked area and the easy access to the Oradea belt, the property represents an excellent investment because it is suitable both for continuing the restaurant activity and for multiple commercial, office, showroom activities.

The price for this modern restaurant for sale in the Iosia area, Oradea is 670,000 euros.

For additional details, information and visits, you can contact us at:

No. Tel.: 0725095233 – Manci Nicolae


Or at the contact section of our website:

You can also view our offers on Facebook by accessing the D’Art Imob page.Detalii terase: 75 mp

Suprafaţă totală: 538 m²Suprafaţă birouri: 1 m²An finalizare construcție: 1992Stadiu construcţie: FinalizatNumăr încăperi: 4Număr Grupuri Sanitare: 4Structură rezistenţă: ZidărieAcces: Cale rutierăPosibilitate parcare: NuTip imobil: Alte tipuri