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Spatiu comercial in cartier Rogerius, Oradea

5 noiembrie 2023 6:51   Altele   Oradea   50 vizualizări Referinţă: 38605

Localitate: Oradea

Preț: 1.60 lei

Agentia imobiliara D’Art Imob va propune un spatiu comercial de inchiriat in RogeriusSpatiul se afla in apropiere de parcul Magnoliei si strada Transilvaniei. Masoara o suprafata utila de 136 mp si este amplasat la parterul unui bloc cu 9 etaje. Are destinatia de spatiu comercial, dispune de vad bun cu trafic pietonal si vizibilitate sporita.

In acest moment este compartimentat in 4 incaperi mari, hol de acces, depozit si 2 grupuri sanitate, insa, datorita structurii cladirii pe stalpi de sustinere din beton, spatiul poate fi usor recompartimentat in functie de nevoi si preferinte. Exista posibilitatea de a fi transformat in open-space complet.

Proprietatea este renovata integral, dispune de gresie si faianta, lambriuri moderne, casete din plexiglass, precum si de o tejghea la intrare, vitrina stradala mare de 10m cu geam termopan si tamplarie PVC refacuta in 2021 si 2 intrari din care una pentru aprovizionare, in partea din spate. Tot in spate dispune si de un loc de parcare propriu, iar in fata imobilului exista locuri publice de parcare.

Contorizarea este separata, iar incalzirea este realizata prin sistemul de termoficare al orasului, cu ajutorul instalatiei de calorifere.

Pretul pentru acest spatiu comercial de inchiriat in Rogerius este de 1.600 euro / luna (12 euro/mp)

Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la:

Nr. Tel.: 0727721842 – George Stefanco


Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru:

De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob


The real estate agency D’Art Imob offers you a commercial space for rent in Rogerius area of OradeaThe space is located near Magnolia park and Transilvaniei street. It measures a usable area of ​​136 square meters and is located on the ground floor of a 9-story block. It is intended for commercial use, it is well located with pedestrian traffic and increased visibility.

At the moment it is divided into 4 large rooms, an access hall, storage space and 2 sanitary groups, but, thanks to the structure of the building on concrete support pillars, the space can be easily re-partitioned according to needs and preferences. There is the possibility of being transformed into a complete open space.

The property is fully renovated, it has tiles and floor tiles, modern panelling, plexiglas boxes, as well as an entrance counter, a large 10m street window with double glazing and PVC carpentry redone in 2021 and 2 entrances, one of which is for supplies, in the back side. It also has its own parking space at the back and there are public parking spaces in front of the building.

Metering is separate, and heating is done through the city’s heating system, with the help of the radiator installation.

The price for this commercial space for rent in Rogerius is 1,600 euros/month (12 euros/sqm)

For additional details, information and visits, you can contact us at:

Nr. Tel.: 0727721842 – George Stefanco


Or the contact section of our website:

Also, our offers can be viewed on facebook by visiting D’Art Imob

An finalizare construcție: 1974Vitrină: 10 mStadiu construcţie: FinalizatNumăr încăperi: 5Număr Grupuri Sanitare: 4Posibilitate parcare: NuTip imobil: Bloc de apartamente